Custom Hand Sanitizer – a Necessity for Corporate Events and Tradeshows
No one likes to think about germs and bacteria, but the reality is you pick them up everywhere – work, home, restaurants, shops, and anywhere else you may go. And not just during pandemic events! Each time you open a door, push an elevator button, use the company copier, or pour yourself a cup of coffee (at home and the office), you pick up whatever germs the person before you left behind.
So, just think about what happens during tradeshows, promotional events, and other large events that attract a large number of people! You are constantly shaking hands, exchanging business cards, and sharing pens and literature with hundreds of people throughout the day. Not to mention the number of surfaces you touch that have already been touched by countless others!
At a minimum, when sponsoring an event or booth at a tradeshow, you should keep a large pump bottle of custom hand sanitizer at your table so you can refresh your hands periodically, and offer the same to those visiting your booth. Employees can use it often after shaking hands with guests or sharing objects such as business cards. Guests can use it before they move on to the next vendor, helping to thwart the spread of possible viruses before it starts. It only takes one person with the flu or a virus to pass along their illness to countless numbers of people during large-scale events!
You could even go one step further by offering visitors a small bottle of hand sanitizer to take with them. Set up a large fishbowl or another container, fill it with individually sized bottles of custom hand sanitizer featuring your company logo, and let attendees grab one when they come to your table. Not only will they be reminded of your company each time they use it, but others around them will notice your logo as they use it, prompting them to visit your table for their own bottle. This gives you a chance to present your business or products to more people, to gain additional customers.
Hand sanitizer really is a necessity during tradeshows. It benefits you, your employees, and attendees by helping keep everyone’s hands fresh and germ-free during the event, to prevent the spreading of viruses and germs from one person to the next. You don’t know where other people’s hands have been or what they have touched before they get to your booth.
Using custom hand sanitizer to promote your business, allows you to promote your brand in a useful and practical way. Everyone comes prepared with promotional products to pass along to guests in the hopes they will remember their brand after the event is over. A health product like hands sanitizer shows people that you care about their health, and were thoughtful when selecting a promotional gift. You didn’t just throw your name on some one-use gimmick that most likely will end up in the nearest trash bin and won’t even make it out the doors of the event, let alone be seen again as a reminder.
At the Custom Hand Sanitizer Store, we offer a great selection of personalized promotional products to fit every need. From credit card-sized hand sanitizers to gels, pumps, and wipes, we offer a varied selection at low prices made to fit any budget. Head on over to our store and place an order for your next event!